UTC youshun semiconductor-50N06 N channel power MOSFET
Product classification:【UTC】
Function overview:
50N06 data sheet
50 Amp, 60 Volt N-Channel Power MOSFET
UTC 50N06 is a three-terminal silicon device with a conductivity of about 50A and fast switching speed. Low on-resistance, rated breakdown voltage of 60V and maximum threshold voltage of 4V. Mainly suitable for electronic ballasts and low-power switching power appliances.
* RDS(ON) = 23mΩ@VGS = 10V
* Ultra-low gate charge (30 nC typical)
* Low reverse transmission capacitance (CRSS = 80 pF typical)
* Fast switching ability
* Specify 100% avalanche energy.
* Improved dv/dt capability